
We are an academic data science team led by Professor Yaomin Xu, specializing in translational bioinformatics and data sciences. Our mission is to bridge the gap between cutting-edge biostatistics and bioinformatics theory and real-world clinical applications. Our multidisciplinary team, comprising bioinformaticians, statisticians, basic scientists, and clinical researchers, collaborates seamlessly to tackle the most complex data research challenges, with the ultimate goal of advancing precision medicine.

Beyond being a productive work environment, our team serves as an educational platform where we constantly push the boundaries of biomedical data science through collaborative problem-solving with real-world data. We also manage a state-of-the-art cloud-based research data analysis platform (RAP) that ensures persistent data storage, efficient processing, and robust statistical analyses, all while maintaining top-notch cybersecurity, data safety, and privacy standards.

We are passionate about developing data science solutions that enable efficient, reliable, and verifiable big data research, leading to consistent and groundbreaking discoveries.

Team Members

Yaomin Xu, PhD Lab PI

Assistant Professor, Biostatistics (primary), Biomedical Informatics(secondary)

Statistical and computational methods integrating patient phenome and genome data, discovery of mechanistic biomarkers for precision medicine, real-world Big Data analytics and discovery, multivariate analysis and visualization, unsupervised learning, and cloud-based research data analysis and infrastructures

Alexander Bick, MD, PhD Co-Investigator

Assistant Professor, Genetic Medicine

Human Genomics, Clonal Hematopoiesis

Brian Sharber Staff

System Administrator and Cloud Application Developer

Yajing Li Staff

Senior Biostatistician (Biostatistics)

Collaborative statistical research to study the association between mutations and phenotypes based on data from EHR and large-scale Biobanks.

Yu Wang Staff

Staff Scientist (Biostatistics)

Genomic or transcriptomic signatures identification related to cancer immunotherapy.

Siwei Zhang Research Assistant

PhD Student (Biostatistics)

Unsupervised machine learning (data-driven approach) for translating EHR and Biobank data to discover the disease comorbidity and patient subgroups.

Sharon Phillips Graduate student, co-advised with Digna Velez Edwards, PhD, MS.

Associate in Biostatistics, PhD Candidate (Epidemiology)

Alex Silver Graduated, Advisor: Michael R. Savona, M.D..

MD/PhD (Cancer Biology)

Investigation of the etiologies, prevalence, and phenotypes of clonal hematopoiesis within a linked biobank and EHR.

Xiaopeng Sun Graduate student, co-advised with Dr. Justin Balko, PhD.

PhD candidate (Cancer Biology)

Identify peripheral biomarker that predict breast cancer chemotherapy response.

Matt Krantz, MD Research Rotation Student

Post-doctoral Research Fellow, MS Student in Biomedical Informatics

Genetic analysis of vancomycin-induced drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS

Lydia Yao Research Assistant

PhD Student (Biostatistics)

Interested in genomics in deep learning methods, high dimensional spaces, and clinical trial design.

Huiding (Eric) Chen Research Assistant

PhD student (Biostatistics)

Interested in machine learning in EHR and biobank data.

Megan Hall Research Assistant

MS Student (Biostatistics)

Visualization application for sleep study data


Kedir Turi, PhD Lab Alumni

Assistant Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health Indiana University Bloomington

Kaushik Amancherla, MD Lab Alumni

Instructor in Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Nick Strayer, PhD Lab Alumni

Data Scientist, RStudio Inc. 

Ya-Chen Lisa Lin, PhD Lab Alumni

Statistical Scientist - Genentech

Svetlana Eden, PhD Lab Alumni

Research Assistant Professor, Biostatistics, Vanderbilt Univeristy Medical Center


The TBILab Cloud
The TBILab Cloud image
A cloud-based research data analysis platform (RAP) for tackling the growing challenges in biomedical data sciences, with its advanced cloud-based HPC environment and emphasis on teamwork among bioinformaticians, statisticians, basic scientists, and clinical researchers. It provides a range of services for data storage, efficient data processing, bioinformatics and statistical data analyses, all with robust cybersecurity protection, data safety, and data privacy
PheMIME image
PheMIME integrates phenome-wide summary statistics across multiple EHR/EMR systems to offer interactive, multifaceted visualizations for exploring disease multimorbidities. Utilizing an enhanced version of associationSubgraphs, PheMIME enables dynamic analysis and inference of disease clusters, promoting the discovery of complex multimorbidity patterns.

Zhang S ., Strayer N ., Vessels T ., Choi K ., Wang G ., Li Y ., Bejan C ., Hsi R ., Bick A ., Velez Edwards D ., Savona M ., Philips E ., Pulley J ., Self W ., Hopkins W ., Roden D ., Smoller J ., Ruderfer D ., Xu Y . 2023. PheMIME: An Interactive Web App and Knowledge Base for Phenome-Wide, Multi-Institutional Multimorbidity Analysis. medRxiv(c(2023, 7, 27)), https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.23.23293047

AssociationSubgraphs image
An interactive visualization method to quickly and intuitively explore high-dimensional association datasets using network science-derived statistics and visualization

Strayer N ., Zhang S ., Yao L ., Vessels T ., Bejan C ., Hsi R ., Shirey-Rice J ., Balko J ., Johnson D ., Phillips E ., Bick A ., Edwards T ., Velez Edwards D ., Pulley J ., Wells Q ., Savona M ., Cox N ., Roden D ., Ruderfer D ., Xu Y . 2022. Interactive network-based clustering and investigation of multimorbidity association matrices with associationSubgraphs. Bioinformatics, 39(1), https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btac780

Phewas ME
Phewas ME image
Shiny app produced in collaboration with the Vanderbilt Drug Repurposing team. It is an interactive data exploration tool for digging into PheWAS results and the subject-level data that generated those results.

Strayer N ., Shirey-Rice J ., Shyr Y ., Denny J ., Pulley J ., Xu Y . 2020. PheWAS-ME: a web-app for interactive exploration of multimorbidity patterns in PheWAS. Bioinformatics, 37(12), 1778-1780. https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa870

Interactive simulation showing the spread of contagion through a network. All simulation parameters can be tweaked in order to better understand the dynamics of contagion spread in networks

Selected Publications

Unbiased characterization of atrial fibrillation phenotypic architecture provides insight to genetic liability and clinically relevant outcomes
Davogustto G ., Zhao S ., Li Y ., Farber-Eger E ., Lowery B ., Shaffer L ., Mosley J ., Shoemaker M ., Xu Y ., Roden D ., Wells Q .
Toward personalized skin cancer care: multiple skin cancer development in five cohorts
Wheless L ., Liao K ., Zheng S ., Li Y ., Yao L ., Xu Y ., Madden C ., Ike J ., Smith I ., Mosley D ., Grossarth S ., Hartman R ., Wilson O ., Hung A ., Wehner M .
Overcome the Limitation of Phenome-Wide Association Studies (PheWAS): Extension of PheWAS to Efficient and Robust Large-Scale ICD Codes Analysis
Lin Y ., Zhang S ., Vessels T ., Bastarache L ., Bejan C ., Hsie R ., Philips E ., Ruderfer D ., Pulley J ., Edwards T ., Wells Q ., Warner J ., Denny J ., Roden D ., Kang H ., Xu Y .
Interoperability of phenome-wide multimorbidity patterns: a comparative study of two large-scale EHR systems
Strayer N ., Vessels T ., Choi K ., Zhang S ., Li Y ., Han L ., Sharber B ., Hsi R ., Bejan C ., Bick A ., Balko J ., Johnson D ., Wheless L ., Wells Q ., Philips E ., Pulley J ., Self W ., Chen Q ., Hartert T ., Wilkins C ., Savona M ., Shyr Y ., Roden D ., Smoller J ., Ruderfer D ., Xu Y .
The association of infant urinary adrenal steroids with the risk of childhood asthma development
Turi K ., Li Y ., Xu Y ., Gebretsadik T ., Rosas-Salazar C ., Wiggins D ., McKennan C ., Newcomb D ., Gern J ., Hartert T .
Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (2024)
Clonal Hematopoiesis and Inflammation in the VasculaturE (CHIVE): a prospective, longitudinal cohort and biorepository
Shannon M ., Heimlich J ., Olson S ., Debevec A ., Copeland Z ., Kishtagari A ., Vlasschaert C ., Snider C ., Silver A ., Brown D ., Spaulding T ., Bhatta M ., Pugh K ., Stockton S ., Ulloa J ., Xu Y ., Baljevic M ., Moslehi J ., Jahangir E ., Ferrell P ., Slosky D ., Bick A ., Savona M .
Ablation of IFNγ in myeloid cells suppresses liver inflammation and fibrogenesis in mice with hepatic small heterodimer partner (SHP) deletion
Zhu L ., Litts B ., Wang Y ., Rein J ., Atzrodt C ., Chinnarasu S ., An J ., Thorson A ., Xu Y ., Stafford J .
Molecular Metabolism (2024)
Polygenic risk score for ulcerative colitis predicts immune checkpoint inhibitor-mediated colitis
Middha P ., Thummalapalli R ., Betti M ., Yao L ., Quandt Z ., Balaratnam K ., Bejan C ., Cardenas E ., Falcon C ., Faleck D ., Leighl N ., Bradbury P ., Shepherd F ., Sacher A ., Eng L ., Gubens M ., Huntsman S ., Johnson D ., Kachuri L ., Khan K ., Li M ., Lovly C ., Murray M ., Patel D ., Werking K ., Xu Y ., Zhan L ., Balko J ., Liu G ., Aldrich M ., Schoenfeld A ., Ziv E ., NA NA .
Nature Communications (2024)
Solid Organ Transplant Recipients Exhibit More TET2-Mutant Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential Not Driven by Increased Transplantation Risk
Silver A ., Vlasschaert C ., Mack T ., Sharber B ., Xu Y ., Bick A ., Pinson C ., Savona M .
Clinical Cancer Research (2024)
PheMIME: An Interactive Web App and Knowledge Base for Phenome-Wide, Multi-Institutional Multimorbidity Analysis
Zhang S ., Strayer N ., Vessels T ., Choi K ., Wang G ., Li Y ., Bejan C ., Hsi R ., Bick A ., Velez Edwards D ., Savona M ., Philips E ., Pulley J ., Self W ., Hopkins W ., Roden D ., Smoller J ., Ruderfer D ., Xu Y .
Cost-effective and scalable clonal hematopoiesis assay provides insight into clonal dynamics
Mack T ., Vlasschaert C ., von Beck K ., Silver A ., Heimlich J ., Poisner H ., Condon H ., Ulloa J ., Sochacki A ., Spaulding T ., Kishtagari A ., Bejan C ., Xu Y ., Savona M ., Jones A ., Bick A .
A practical approach to curate clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential in human genetic datasets
Vlasschaert C ., Mack T ., Heimlich J ., Niroula A ., Uddin M ., Weinstock J ., Sharber B ., Silver A ., Xu Y ., Savona M ., Gibson C ., Lanktree M ., Rauh M ., Ebert B ., Natarajan P ., Jaiswal S ., Bick A .
Single-Nuclear RNA Sequencing of Endomyocardial Biopsies Identifies Persistence of Donor-Recipient Chimerism With Distinct Signatures in Severe Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy
Amancherla K ., Qin J ., Hulke M ., Pfeiffer R ., Agrawal V ., Sheng Q ., Xu Y ., Schlendorf K ., Lindenfeld J ., Shah R ., Freedman J ., Tucker N ., Moslehi J .
Circulation: Heart Failure (2023)
Kidney Stone Prevalence Based on Self-Report and Electronic Health Records: Insight into the Prevalence of Active Medical Care for Kidney Stones
Forbes C ., Nimmagadda N ., Kavoussi N ., Xu Y ., Bejan C ., Miller N ., Hsi R .
Patient-specific comorbidities as prognostic variables for survival in myelofibrosis
Sochacki A ., Bejan C ., Zhao S ., Patel A ., Kishtagari A ., Spaulding T ., Silver A ., Stockton S ., Pugh K ., Dorand R ., Bhatta M ., Strayer N ., Zhang S ., Snider C ., Stricker T ., Nazha A ., Bick A ., Xu Y ., Savona M .
Germline genomic and phenomic landscape of clonal hematopoiesis in 323,112 individuals
Uddin M ., Yu Z ., Weinstock J ., Nakao T ., Niroula A ., Urbut S ., Koyama S ., Zekavat S ., Paruchuri K ., Silver A ., Mack T ., Wong M ., Haidermota S ., Bhattacharya R ., Jorshery S ., Raddatz M ., Honigberg M ., Hornsby W ., Zhang M ., Sankaran V ., Griffin G ., Gibson C ., Kresge H ., Ellinor P ., Cho K ., Sun Y ., Wilson P ., Pyarajan S ., Genovese G ., Xu Y ., Savona M ., Reiner A ., Jaiswal S ., Ebert B ., Bick A ., Natarajan P ., NA NA .
Interactive network-based clustering and investigation of multimorbidity association matrices with associationSubgraphs
Strayer N ., Zhang S ., Yao L ., Vessels T ., Bejan C ., Hsi R ., Shirey-Rice J ., Balko J ., Johnson D ., Phillips E ., Bick A ., Edwards T ., Velez Edwards D ., Pulley J ., Wells Q ., Savona M ., Cox N ., Roden D ., Ruderfer D ., Xu Y .
Efferocytosis drives myeloid NLRP3 dependent inflammasome signaling secretion of IL-1β to promote tumor growth
Lang C ., Roy S ., Wang Y ., Graves D ., Xu Y ., Serezani C ., Korrer M ., Kim Y .
Frontiers in Immunology (2022)
Peripheral Blood Monocyte Abundance Predicts Outcomes in Patients with Breast Cancer
Axelrod M ., Wang Y ., Xu Y ., Sun X ., Bejan C ., Gonzalez-Ericsson P ., Nunnery S ., Bergman R ., Donaldson J ., Guerrero-Zotano A ., Massa C ., Seliger B ., Sanders M ., Mayer I ., Balko J .
Cancer Research Communications (2022)
Immunostimulatory Cancer-Associated Fibroblast Subpopulations Can Predict Immunotherapy Response in Head and Neck Cancer
Obradovic A ., Graves D ., Korrer M ., Wang Y ., Roy S ., Naveed A ., Xu Y ., Luginbuhl A ., Curry J ., Gibson M ., Idrees K ., Hurley P ., Jiang P ., Liu X ., Uppaluri R ., Drake C ., Califano A ., Kim Y .
Clinical Cancer Research (2022)
RNA-Sequencing Reveals a Distinct Transcriptomic Signature for Giant Cell Myocarditis and Identifies Novel Druggable Targets
Amancherla K ., Qin J ., Wang Y ., Axelrod M ., Balko J ., Schlendorf K ., Hoffman R ., Xu Y ., Lindenfeld J ., Moslehi J .
Circulation Research (2021)
The Astounding Breadth of Health Disparity: Phenome-Wide Effects of Race on Disease Risk
Pulley J ., Jerome R ., Bernard G ., Shirey-Rice J ., Xu Y ., Wilkins C .
Journal of the National Medical Association (2021)
PheWAS-ME: a web-app for interactive exploration of multimorbidity patterns in PheWAS
Strayer N ., Shirey-Rice J ., Shyr Y ., Denny J ., Pulley J ., Xu Y .
Opportunities and Challenges for Analyzing Cancer Data at the Inter- and Intra-Institutional Levels
Wu J ., Bryan J ., Rubinstein S ., Wang L ., Lenoue-Newton M ., Zuhour R ., Levy M ., Micheel C ., Xu Y ., Bhavnani S ., Mackey L ., Warner J .
JCO Precision Oncology (2020)
Molecular and pharmacological modulators of the tumor immune contexture revealed by deconvolution of RNA-seq data
Finotello F ., Mayer C ., Plattner C ., Laschober G ., Rieder D ., Hackl H ., Krogsdam A ., Loncova Z ., Posch W ., Wilflingseder D ., Sopper S ., Ijsselsteijn M ., Brouwer T ., Johnson D ., Xu Y ., Wang Y ., Sanders M ., Estrada M ., Ericsson-Gonzalez P ., Charoentong P ., Balko J ., de Miranda N ., Trajanoski Z .
Performance of a Natural Language Processing Method to Extract Stone Composition From the Electronic Health Record
Bejan C ., Lee D ., Xu Y ., Hsi R .
A case report of clonal EBV-like memory CD4+ T cell activation in fatal checkpoint inhibitor-induced encephalitis
Johnson D ., McDonnell W ., Gonzalez-Ericsson P ., Al-Rohil R ., Mobley B ., Salem J ., Wang D ., Sanchez V ., Wang Y ., Chastain C ., Barker K ., Liang Y ., Warren S ., Beechem J ., Menzies A ., Tio M ., Long G ., Cohen J ., Guidon A ., O’Hare M ., Chandra S ., Chowdhary A ., Lebrun-Vignes B ., Goldinger S ., Rushing E ., Buchbinder E ., Mallal S ., Shi C ., Xu Y ., Moslehi J ., Sanders M ., Sosman J ., Balko J .
Trans-ethnic association study of blood pressure determinants in over 750,000 individuals
Giri A ., NA NA ., Hellwege J ., Keaton J ., Park J ., Qiu C ., Warren H ., Torstenson E ., Kovesdy C ., Sun Y ., Wilson O ., Robinson-Cohen C ., Roumie C ., Chung C ., Birdwell K ., Damrauer S ., DuVall S ., Klarin D ., Cho K ., Wang Y ., Evangelou E ., Cabrera C ., Wain L ., Shrestha R ., Mautz B ., Akwo E ., Sargurupremraj M ., Debette S ., Boehnke M ., Scott L ., Luan J ., Zhao J ., Willems S ., Thériault S ., Shah N ., Oldmeadow C ., Almgren P ., Li-Gao R ., Verweij N ., Boutin T ., Mangino M ., Ntalla I ., Feofanova E ., Surendran P ., Cook J ., Karthikeyan S ., Lahrouchi N ., Liu C ., Sepúlveda N ., Richardson T ., Kraja A ., Amouyel P ., Farrall M ., Poulter N ., Laakso M ., Zeggini E ., Sever P ., Scott R ., Langenberg C ., Wareham N ., Conen D ., Palmer C ., Attia J ., Chasman D ., Ridker P ., Melander O ., Mook-Kanamori D ., Harst P ., Cucca F ., Schlessinger D ., Hayward C ., Spector T ., Jarvelin M ., Hennig B ., Timpson N ., Wei W ., Smith J ., Xu Y ., Matheny M ., Siew E ., Lindgren C ., Herzig K ., Dedoussis G ., Denny J ., Psaty B ., Howson J ., Munroe P ., Newton-Cheh C ., Caulfield M ., Elliott P ., Gaziano J ., Concato J ., Wilson P ., Tsao P ., Velez Edwards D ., Susztak K ., O’Donnell C ., Hung A ., Edwards T ., NA NA ., NA NA ., NA NA .
Phase II study of ruxolitinib, a selective JAK1/2 inhibitor, in patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer
Stover D ., Gil Del Alcazar C ., Brock J ., Guo H ., Overmoyer B ., Balko J ., Xu Q ., Bardia A ., Tolaney S ., Gelman R ., Lloyd M ., Wang Y ., Xu Y ., Michor F ., Wang V ., Winer E ., Polyak K ., Lin N .
Multiple tumor suppressors regulate a HIF-dependent negative feedback loop via ISGF3 in human clear cell renal cancer
Liao L ., Liu Z ., Langbein L ., Cai W ., Cho E ., Na J ., Niu X ., Jiang W ., Zhong Z ., Cai W ., Jagannathan G ., Dulaimi E ., Testa J ., Uzzo R ., Wang Y ., Stark G ., Sun J ., Peiper S ., Xu Y ., Yan Q ., Yang H .
Tumor-specific MHC-II expression drives a unique pattern of resistance to immunotherapy via LAG-3/FCRL6 engagement
Johnson D ., Nixon M ., Wang Y ., Wang D ., Castellanos E ., Estrada M ., Ericsson-Gonzalez P ., Cote C ., Salgado R ., Sanchez V ., Dean P ., Opalenik S ., Schreeder D ., Rimm D ., Kim J ., Bordeaux J ., Loi S ., Horn L ., Sanders M ., Ferrell P ., Xu Y ., Sosman J ., Davis R ., Balko J .
Phenome-wide scanning identifies multiple diseases and disease severity phenotypes associated with HLA variants
Karnes J ., Bastarache L ., Shaffer C ., Gaudieri S ., Xu Y ., Glazer A ., Mosley J ., Zhao S ., Raychaudhuri S ., Mallal S ., Ye Z ., Mayer J ., Brilliant M ., Hebbring S ., Roden D ., Phillips E ., Denny J .
Science Translational Medicine (2017)
Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression defines molecular characteristics of Crohn’s disease-associated fibrosis
Sadler T ., Bhasin J ., Xu Y ., Barnholz-Sloan J ., Chen Y ., Ting A ., Stylianou E .
Clinical Epigenetics (2016)
Targeted Next Generation Sequencing Identifies Markers of Response to PD-1 Blockade
Johnson D ., Frampton G ., Rioth M ., Yusko E ., Xu Y ., Guo X ., Ennis R ., Fabrizio D ., Chalmers Z ., Greenbowe J ., Ali S ., Balasubramanian S ., Sun J ., He Y ., Frederick D ., Puzanov I ., Balko J ., Cates J ., Ross J ., Sanders C ., Robins H ., Shyr Y ., Miller V ., Stephens P ., Sullivan R ., Sosman J ., Lovly C .
Cancer Immunology Research (2016)
Fulminant Myocarditis with Combination Immune Checkpoint Blockade
Johnson D ., Balko J ., Compton M ., Chalkias S ., Gorham J ., Xu Y ., Hicks M ., Puzanov I ., Alexander M ., Bloomer T ., Becker J ., Slosky D ., Phillips E ., Pilkinton M ., Craig-Owens L ., Kola N ., Plautz G ., Reshef D ., Deutsch J ., Deering R ., Olenchock B ., Lichtman A ., Roden D ., Seidman C ., Koralnik I ., Seidman J ., Hoffman R ., Taube J ., Diaz L ., Anders R ., Sosman J ., Moslehi J .
New England Journal of Medicine (2016)
In-depth genomic data analyses revealed complex transcriptional and epigenetic dysregulations of BRAF V600E in melanoma
Guo X ., Xu Y ., Zhao Z .
Methylome-wide Sequencing Detects DNA Hypermethylation Distinguishing Indolent from Aggressive Prostate Cancer
Bhasin J ., Lee B ., Matkin L ., Taylor M ., Hu B ., Xu Y ., Magi-Galluzzi C ., Klein E ., Ting A .
Snowball: resampling combined with distance-based regression to discover transcriptional consequences of a driver mutation
Xu Y ., Guo X ., Sun J ., Zhao Z .
Exhaled Breath Analysis with a Colorimetric Sensor Array for the Identification and Characterization of Lung Cancer
Mazzone P ., Wang X ., Xu Y ., Mekhail T ., Beukemann M ., Na J ., Kemling J ., Suslick K ., Sasidhar M .
Journal of Thoracic Oncology (2012)
Unique DNA methylome profiles in CpG island methylator phenotype colon cancers
Xu Y ., Hu B ., Choi A ., Gopalan B ., Lee B ., Kalady M ., Church J ., Ting A .
Genome Research (2011)
Natural selection on EPAS1 ( HIF2α ) associated with low hemoglobin concentration in Tibetan highlanders
Beall C ., Cavalleri G ., Deng L ., Elston R ., Gao Y ., Knight J ., Li C ., Li J ., Liang Y ., McCormack M ., Montgomery H ., Pan H ., Robbins P ., Shianna K ., Tam S ., Tsering N ., Veeramah K ., Wang W ., Wangdui P ., Weale M ., Xu Y ., Xu Z ., Yang L ., Zaman M ., Zeng C ., Zhang L ., Zhang X ., Zhaxi P ., Zheng Y .
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2010)
Breast-Cancer Stromal Cells withTP53Mutations and Nodal Metastases
Patocs A ., Zhang L ., Xu Y ., Weber F ., Caldes T ., Mutter G ., Platzer P ., Eng C .
New England Journal of Medicine (2007)
Microenvironmental Genomic Alterations and Clinicopathological Behavior in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Weber F ., Xu Y ., Zhang L ., Patocs A ., Shen L ., Platzer P ., Eng C .